शनिवार, 26 जुलाई 2014

Dashavatar - The Story of the 10 Vishnu Avatars or Incarnations

When the balance between good and evil tilts in favor of evil, Vishnu appears upon the earth as one of the ten Vishnu avatars or dashavatar to restore the balance.
Vishnu is said to have taken human form on earth on ten different occasions to preserve the world, each time appearing in the shape of a different creature because it would be dangerous for people to see him in his full brilliance. During each incarnation, Vishnu has a specific task to perform. The stories of these incarnations, the 10 Vishnu avatars or dashavatar are told in the Vishnu Puran and depict the theory of evolution represented through a story. Of the ten avatars, four are animals. The avatars gradually progress from a fish or a marine vertebrate, through the many forms of amphibious and land-based vertebrates, and reach the human stage. Here, the progression continues as Vishnu first appears as a half-man, half-lion, then as a short man, a violent man, a peaceful man, a loving man, a meditative man and a mystical man.
In the form of the Matsya Avatar (a fish), Vishnu saved the sage Manu and the sacred Vedas from a great flood. Also in this flood, the gods lost for a time the elixir of their immortality. Vishnu assumed the form of the Kurma Avatar, a great tortoise, and dove to the bottom of the ocean to retrieve the potent drink. When the demon Hiranyaksha cast the earth to the bottom of the cosmic sea, Vishnu became the Varaha Avatar, the boar. He plunged into the depths, saved the earth and spread it on top of the waters to float.
Hiranyaksha’s brother, the tyrant Hiranyakashipu, had obtained a special privilege through which he could be killed neither by human nor animal, neither inside nor outside of his home, nor by day nor by night. He lived without fear and wreaked great havoc wherever he went. To overcome the demon, Vishnu took the form of the Narasimha Avatar (half human and half lion) and killed Hiranyakashipu on the threshold of his home at sunset.
The next avatars were all human in form. The Vamana Avatar appears as a dwarf. The asura-king Bali had control of the earth, so Vishnu devised a plan to deceive the king. Vishnu took the form of Vamana, the dwarf, and asked the king if he could have as much space as he could cover in three steps. Believing that the dwarf could only cover a small space, Bali agreed. Then Vishnu became a great giant, and strode across the earth and the heavens.
At another time, the kshatriyas (the warrior class) threatened to destroy the Earth as they became intoxicated with power. So Vishnu was born as the brahmin Parashurama to eliminate the threat. His name was Rama, and his axe Parashu was given to him by Shiva. Thus his name became Parashurama. The next avatar is that of Rama, whose story is told in the Ramayana. After Rama is the Krishna Avatar, who plays the most significant part in the Mahabharat.

The Ten Avatars
Traditionally, the ninth avatar of Vishnu is Gautama the Buddha. The tenth avatar is the only incarnation of Vishnu that is yet to come. It is believed that this manifestation of the great god, referred to as Kalki, will appear at the "end" of the present time, riding a white horse and holding a flaming sword.
All ten avatars are recognized in many of the sacred scriptures. By far, the most widely worshiped of these gods are Rama and Krishna, the seventh and eighth avatars of Vishnu.


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