रविवार, 3 अगस्त 2014

Lord Krishna

Krishna is the eight avatar of Vishnu and one of the most multidimensional gods in the Hindu pantheon.
When the god Vishnu was reborn on Earth for the eighth time, he came back as Krishna. Krishna does not simply possess a portion of Vishnu's character as do Ram and the other incarnations of Vishnu but is believed to be Vishnu himself in human form. It was Krishna who composed the great Indian religious book known as the Bhagavad Gita which speaks of humanity's role in the great pattern of the universe, and which tells us th at if we arc devoted to what is right and determined to fulfill our destiny we shall triumph over everything.
Krishna grew up to be a scholar, a philosopher and a great warrior, but he is most adored as the child-god who stole butter from the da~ries and the ro mantic cowherd who won the hearts of all the local milkmaids with his flute-playing. The hymns sung across India bOth to the child and to the youth are so much a part of the daily lives of Hindus that they are used as lullabies and love songs. These very human aspects of Krishna's personality are the main reason for his immense popularity.

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